Asthma is one of the commonest chronic breathing disorders.
It is estimated that almost one-eighth of the human population suffers from at
least a low degree of asthma. The sad part about asthma is that it is not
curable. Research has shown that the occurrence of asthma can be attributed to
the genes of the patient, which makes it difficult to cure as well as prevent.
However, today, there
are a number of treatments and therapies which help in keeping asthma attacks
under control. In fact, there are a few therapies which make a person highly
indifferent to the effects of asthma attacks. If an asthma patient follows
certain rules, it is highly likely that they would be able to control every
occurrence of an asthma attack to a large extent. Here are four of those rules.
Avail short term and long term treatment
Most people are interested in taking short term treatments for
asthma, which helps them to keep asthma under control for a few months only.
This approach is, however, necessary to get rid of irritating and to some
extent, dangerous asthma attacks. But, one should remember that no short term
treatment would be able to keep the problem of asthma attack and acute bouts of
breathlessness under control
forever. This is why most physicians advise patients to take up short term and
long term
treatment for asthma simultaneously.
treatment for asthma simultaneously.
Long term asthma treatment
consists of various breathing practices and therapies which help in
easing out the inflammation in the throat and makes the lungs of the person
strong enough to withstand asthma attacks.
Cooperate with the physician
Unlike cough
treatment, asthma treatment will not be very effective if one relies
only on the medicines. You must cooperate with the physician and practice
breathing exercises as prescribed by your physician. If you think your asthma
shall be cured only by medication and without your personal effort, then you
are wrong.
Keep your asthma inhaler handy
You should always keep your asthma inhaler with you. You
never know when you will have attacks of asthma. At times of sudden bouts of
asthma attacks, there might be none to help you. If you want to avoid such
situation, which might anytime turn into critical, you must carry asthma
inhaler all the time with you.
Avoid contact with allergens
You might be aware of the fact there are certain things which
trigger asthma attacks in you. These things, known as allergens are different
for different person. Common allergens are cold temperature, smoke, dust,
pollen grains and also the smoke emitted by cigarettes and mosquito repellent
burning. You must identify your allergens and avoid contact with those at any
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